Monday, November 16, 2015

NY Urban Plazas on video Flatiron and Madison

  To give a feel for how these public spaces work, video helps. Shades of William H Whyte's work decades ago.... Each of these 5 videos gives a different impression. First, a reminder - the time of year is fall - autumn. It's cold. The wind is cold. If you can find shelter from wind or find a patch of sun - that seems to be the goal. Useful to remember what Whyte found were the basics of successful urban space: seats, toilets, simple food, activity (shops etc) and - most important - other people.

This video gives a flavour of the simple public seating (btw - free wifi), simple food, and the demographic....
This video shows the surrounding buildings and the locality.  This public space is subject to shading and wind. People move the chairs and tables to suit themselves....
I moved for this video. To stay in the sun. Shows more what people are doing at their tables. People come and go. Not really a destination - just a place to chill for a bit. I finished my book sitting here. In fact (I kid you not) a woman approached me and asked whether I'd been an actor in a film... thinks, "is this the standard line in NY?" I asked her whether it was a baddie or a goodie. She wasn't sure. Then she suggested I go and sing some church songs... interesting... places for encounters...
The above video pans across the road from FlatIron to Madison Square. Much more formal and old. This video is inside the square. Hundreds of people sitting at tables in the shade - not of trees (all the leaves are gone) - but of surrounding buildings. People attract people. Simple food. Safe.
The FlatIron open space occupies a couple of paved areas. This is the second. Shows a sculpture being built. These places are dynamic. Curated. There's a feeling of freedom and public space about it all.

QE Square in Auckland could function like these urban spaces. We won't get it right first up, but neither did New York. These spaces and places can change because - apart from trees maybe - the infrastructure can be moved about. By public. By parks people. Food barrows and trailers are moveable. Experiment.

In this sort of PPP, we need Precinct and Auckland Transport and Auckland Council to play their parts, maximise their creative and constructive contributions to make this public space a success.

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